Lazy Sunday Reading Collection #2

Having navigated my way through my daughter’s first week of kindergarten, complete with uniforms, packed lunches, and a new Frozen-themed backpack, I am looking forward to my lazy Sunday reading in bed more than ever. Here are the links I’ve been saving for this morning:

I just discovered Electric Lit’s new series, The Writing Life Around the World and I am intrigued. There are two essays so far, on Guatemala and Ukraine, and I am looking forward to both.

I have been thinking more about this question of difficult reading, so I am curious about Sam Allingham’s essay on different kinds of difficulty — especially since he seems fond of Nell Zink’s The Wallcreeper, a book high on my TBR list.

Another book high on my TBR list, Helen Vendler’s H is For Hawk gets reviewed by Dinah Lenney in the LARB.

I love to make food, eat food, and read about food, so I am eager to read Matthew Kang’s review of To Live and Dine in LA.

This Oliver Sacks piece leaves me without words.